In India many of the mines are working on with opencast mining and most of the mining operations are performing with drilling and blasting. The opencast working plays a crucial role in mining because of the improved productivity, recovery and safety of mining operation. The topic is OPTIMIZATION OF BLASTING OPERATION.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Most iron ore mining operations use the 'open pit' method, where miners drill into the rock and blast the orebearing material loose with explosives. Huge excavators are then used to gather the loosened ore. To mine metallurgical coal, which will later be turned into coke, it's usually necessary to sink vertical mine shafts to access coal which is deposited in layers or 'seams ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Science Open pit mining is the process of mining a near surface deposit by means of a surface pit excavated using one or more horizontal benches. The term open pit mining is usually used for metallic or nonmetallic deposits and sparingly used for bedded deposits like coal. Prof. Professor at University of Mysore Follow
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The operation and management of a large open pit mine having a life of several (550) years is an enormous and complex task. Optimisation techniques can be successfully applied to resolve a number of important problems that arise in the planning and management of a mine.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829A similar objective in openpit mining consists of breaking the ore close to the point of excavation in a portable crusher and hauling it out of the pit on a conveyor belt. This method also replaces and intermittent or discontinuous and laborintensive haulage system (, trucks) by a continuous flow.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829effective for smallscale operations. Most bauxite, iron, and copper ore is mined by open pit techniques, lead and zinc ore are principally extracted by underground mining methods, and precious metals, particularly gold and most notably in the USA and Australia, tend to be recovered in recent years from lowgrade deposits by surface mining.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Open pit mining method is one of the surface mining methods that has a traditional coneshaped excavation and is usually employed to exploit a nearsurface, nonselective and lowgrade zones...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Increasing population levels, growing economies, rapid urbanization and changes in consumption patterns have increased the demand for raw materials such as base and precious metals, leading to growing concerns regarding their availability and the global efficiency of the mine supply chain. Mine tailings, consisting of process effluents that are generated in a mineral processing plant, are ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829AskariNasab et al. (2010) applied MILP formulations to an open pit iron ore mine production schedule and compared their results to an industry strategic mine planning software, Whittle ( GEOVIA ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829INTRODUCTION. In openpit mining, there is a clear trend of excavating mines of increasing depths (Figure 1a).Owing to the increased efficiency of mining equipment and improved exploration techniques and technology, the ore bodies left to be exploited are deeper (Figure 1b).The deeper a mine is, the higher the effect of pitwall steepness on the amount of waste rock to be excavated and ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Since the initial application of mathematical optimization methods to mine planning in 1965, the LerchsGrossmann algorithm for computing the ultimate pit limit is an exact method of determining the "ultimate pit." The extraction schedule is then defined by excavating these nested pits, in order, from smallest to largest pit [ 3 ].
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The measurement of mining equipment performance has evolved. Initially, the measurement was done using singlemeasurement indices such as machine availability, production index and utilisations ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829An open cut iron ore mine required a detailed mining sequence incorporating current short term plans as well as an extended mine plan tailored to an optimised pit shell. The ore body contained complex structures and the mining sequence had to follow prescribed operational priorities. The client was committed to ramping up production ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The stability of slopes in open pit mines is an issue of great concern because of the significant detrimental consequences instabilities can have. To ensure the safe and continuous economic ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The first example (Fig. 3a) shows the main open cut of the Carajás iron ore mine complex in the Brazilian Amazon, which is among the world's largest iron ore mining operations 43. Figure 3b ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Introduction. This paper discusses a geotechnical study and a slope design of a proposed 170 m deep leadzinc opencast mine situated in Rajasthan state, India. The open pit is 1,500 m long and 500 m wide. The ore body has been proved for a length of km and to have 60 million tonnes of ore reserve. As the ore body is steeply dipping, the ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The longterm planning of open pit mine is a dynamic process and should be reviewed periodically for enhancing the NPV and life of mine. Pit optimization through soft computing can be gainfully applied to resolve a number of important problems that arise in developing suitable planning strategies and man agement of a mine.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829(264).An application for the conversion to a new order mining right will be submitted during F2008. The Gloria mining lease (ML11/83) comprises an area of 1 hectares and is located on portion 1 of the farm Gloria (266). An application for the conversion to a new order mining right will be submitted during F2008. GEOLOGY
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829mining engineering, and economics [1]. Mineral mining is a fairly complex process technique and can last for decades [2]. There are two kind of mining methods widely used, namely open pit mining and underground mining. One of the challenges faced by open pit mining industry is determining the optimal cutoff grade of the mine to be processed. The
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Rock slope failure has the potential to cause multiple fatalities in open pit coal, iron ore, base and precious metals mining operations. Rigorous geotechnical design, inspection and monitoring ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Blasting 1 m 3 ore rock needs foam consumption of m 3. Foam dust removal technology is mostly used in areas with hot climates and water deficient. The dust reduction efficiency of covering the blast area with foam is up to %, and the ventilation time of openpit mines can be reduced by 2/33/4.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The profit function can also be formulated in unit values (per ton or cubic meter of ore), by assigning a unit profit function L ′ (/h), which is given by (2) L ′ = T U V − M − E R − B − F P. In all these variables, there are two geological characteristics, which have great importance: the stripping ratio R and the grade of ore is therefore essential to determine what their ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The developed model is tested in the GoleGohar ironore mine, and the mine UPLs is determined. ... the development process of openpit mine slope engineering in China can be divided into ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Mining activities affect environment, economic and society in its surrounding region. This study aims to assess the sustainability of SorkheDizaj openpit iron ore mine which is located 300 km in northwest of Tehrancapital of Iran. The annual ore production of SorkheDizaj openpit mine is 400,000 tonne, extracted an area of Km 2. In ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Openpit mining technology. Openpit mining clearly offers a number of economic advantages over underground mining, especially now that mineralprocessing technology has advanced to the stage where very lowgrade ores can be treated profitably. 100 to 150 years ago, this was not the case, and mining was still much more selective.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Shortterm openpit mine production scheduling is a challenging task that must deal with several objectives, like maximization of the productivity of equipment (plant and mining), compliance of ore extraction, and others. Unfortunately, there are tradeoffs between these objectives that make the problem of finding wellbalanced shortterm schedules complex to handle. To overcome this problem ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829methods. Surface mining operations can be classified into open pit, opencast, strip, alluvial and insitu mining, depending on method of mining being considered (Hartman, 1987). Openpit mining is a method of developing and exploiting the deposit by making a void in the surface, also known as pit and developing it sequentially to extract the ores.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Hochbaum and Chen A. (2000): Performance Analysis and Best Implementations of Old and New Algorithms for the OpenPit Mining Problem, Operations Research, pp 894914. Johnson (1968): Optimum Open Pit Mine Production Scheduling, Operations Research Center, Dissertation submitted to University of California, Berkeley, 131p.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829An openpit mine bulk materials handling system case study is presented to demonstrate the approach. A dispatching heuristic controlling the operation of the trucking system can be optimised through the selection of values for four control parameters. ... some background knowledge of the process of openpit mining is necessary. The purpose of ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Presentation Transcript. Explanation: Openpit mining, also known as opencut mining, and strip mining, refers to a method of extracting rock or minerals from the earth by their removal from an open pit. Most of the time, when the mining company is done with it, the pit is used as a landfill. A landfill is used as a dump to get rid of our garbage.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Blasting performance is influenced by mechanical and structural properties of the rock, on one side, and blast design parameters on the other. This paper describes a new methodology to assess rock mass quality from drillmonitoring data to guide blasting in open pit operations. Principal component analysis has been used to combine measurement while drilling (MWD) information from two drill ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829This model, based on exploration and drillhole data, must capture the structure of the ore and provide accurate economic, metallurgical, grade and geotechnical that allow mining engineers to establish the economic potential of the body and the viability of mining the ore body.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829